Site Construction Planning

Having made a decision on the website software (Drupal), and a choice for a web hosting provider (A2Hosting), it's time to do some detail planning for how to lay down the software on the hosting framework. And, there are a number of options. Since I'm using a shared hosting solution, the first decision is whether… Continue reading Site Construction Planning

Part 2, The Specification

The next step in this community of practice software evaluation is to define my goals, and to brainstorm the initial requirements to achieve those goals. Not everything in this series of posts will follow this top-down, linear path; but starting out with this material will give context and add structure to the evaluation process. Long… Continue reading Part 2, The Specification

The Road To Here And Now …

 In my journey to create, one of the things I'm dealing with is a platform infrastructure choice. My current focus is an investigation of Drupal and WordPress. I haven't chosen between them yet, and I believe either could do a good job for 80 percent of what I want to do, but there are definite… Continue reading The Road To Here And Now …